Discussions about the transcendant triune God Who is the object of our worship.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Remove The Mask

Till we show faces we never will notice
The hidden traces of glory within us
Remove the mask that is hiding the unity
Begin the task of revealing the mystery

Till we are quiet we never will harken
The subtle accents that make up the spectrum
Remove the mask that is hiding the unity
Begin the task of revealing the mystery

Till we are humble we never will learn from
The times we stumble because we are human
Till we show mercy we will not trust justice
Till we can cry we do not deserve laughter

Remove the mask that is hiding the unity
Begin the task of revealing the mystery

Remove the mask...

Lyrics by Jeff Johnson from his album "ICONS" (based on, in part, C.S. Lewis' "Till We Have Faces").

Are you hiding behind a mask today? Did you awaken and face another day, another week, another trial, another bill to pay, another hurt, another mountain, etc. and take your mask out of the drawer, off the counter, out of the closet -- and begin again to hide who you really are.

Before you jump to conclusions about the "what" behind the motivation of this post, look at yourself. Did you worship God yesterday? Did you do with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Did you put your ALL on the altar? Did live up to Rev. 12:11 -- "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death?"

Remove your mask. Don't try and save face. Be who God created you to be -- NOW!

BTW, if you have reasons to hide (i.e. sin, duplicitous living, deception, etc.), take a few moments to look in the mirror (sans mask) and make those things right. It is time to gird up for untainted service to the King.


Comments are always welcome.

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