Discussions about the transcendant triune God Who is the object of our worship.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

He's Coming In The Clouds

“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.” - Psalm 8:1 NIV

My heart is stirred to look to the heavens for the soon returning King. Over the course of so many years I have been arrogantly deferring any discussion of the return of Christ to two simple tenets:
  1. His return is imminent
  2. No man knows the day or the hour
I literally would walk out of discussions about "pre" or "post" tribulation rapture, millenial kingdom, and judgment seeat of Christ, because I didn't feel like arguing about them. My experience had told me that little fruit came from such discussions. We would agree to disagree and that was usually the result. When the end of the age finally came, we really wouldn't care who was right and who was wrong.

I still hold to those tenets, but now I'm once again pursuing the deeper fruit of being prepared and reading the signs of the times. I'm still not so sure that escathological arguments are efficacious (big word for meaningful, impacting, etc), but I recognize that I have to be better prepared to fulfill my role as a part of the Bride of Christ - The Church. Only when I begin to anticipate His return AND prepare myself for that day, will I begin to fulfill my destiny as a worshipping heart.

In coming posts, I will share several dream/visions I have had, a mission statement for Worshipping Heart Ministries, and a plea for support in this endeavor. Please pray for me, my family, and the outworking of this "new thing" that the Spirit of Jesus is doing.


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