Discussions about the transcendant triune God Who is the object of our worship.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Many Waters Cannot Quench Love

I remember a profound moment from a worship conference in Columbus, OH, where I stood at the back of the auditorium taking in the scene...

• Worship Band is singing "Father of Lights"
• 1100 thirsty worship leaders are shouting out "Every good and perfect gift comes from You."
• The presence of the Lord was palpable.
• My friend Sean is absorbing a truth that will someday trigger a deep return to God.

In the midst of this soaking, I looked to the heavens and asked - "Father of Lights, please give me a good and perfect gift right now." Before the words left my mouth, I began to weep as my Father opened up a revelation of His everlasting love (Jer. 31:3). It rushed over me like waves; it was both physical and spiritual. I was overwhelmed with "how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." - Eph. 3:18

Last night, I stood on the Pacific Coast (Trinidad Beach to be exact) and watched the sunset. Although I was with friends, I was really alone. Although the waves were crashing all around me, it was silent. Even though I had my camera clicking away to capture the moment, I had deeper vision. I saw the realms of glory. I saw the Father's heart for me. For my family. For my feeble attempts to serve Jesus. For my failures as well.

I just wanted to go home.
"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned." Song of Solomon 8:7
Thank you, God. For love.


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